All Gone...

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Big Games Supply
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Re: All Gone...

Post by Big Games Supply » Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:12 pm

Well...I have an update.  I went to go to work this evening (my real job,  not the store) and found that another binder full of Magic cards and my LAPTOP were missing from my truck!  Now granted, I did have the doors unlucked, but this is New Hampshire and nearly everyone leaves their vehicles unlocked in their own driveway.

The local police dept. is opening a file and will be having a detective contact me either Friday or Monday.  The officer I spoke with thought it was a very likely situation that a certain teenage former employee was responsible for the thefts and told me I should make sure the detective has this kid's name and address.

Here is what I think has one point my wife asked me while at the store "Where is that binder of rares we purchased from so-and-so?" and I responded "Oh, its in the front seat of the truck".  I'm pretty certain the person was going for the cards and happened to find my laptop bag sitting there as well and took it too.

Minor or not, if it turns out to be him, I will certainly insist on pressing charges.  I wonder what happens to a teenager who is caught stealing 5-6 grand worth of items?

As for the guns, while I do feel strongly about our rights to bear arms as Americans, I don't personally own any guns, so I wouldn't be able to shoot the person if I caught them in the act ;)


Well, I know my thief.  I hope you find yours.

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Re: All Gone...

Post by merfolkguy » Sat Apr 16, 2005 6:16 am

I hope you get lucky and catch him man.  I'm sorry to hear about the loss...collections are a very personal thing, and it stings to have it stolen, but you can't let it ruin the game for you.  Start over collecting eventually.  With any luck you can nail this kid if it is the one you think.  Otherwise, perhaps the thief and his fence friends will screw up and sell the cards unwisely, resulting in an arrest.  You can hope.

I know 'it's just a possession' sounds lame right now, so I won't go there, but holding my kid fast asleep in my lap while I type now and having my wife come in the room does remind me of that.  I love my cards, but they are just cards afterall.  (ya, I know, it's a weak rationalization to feel better.)  If you catch the guy, remember to not leave any marks on him...

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Re: All Gone...

Post by MightyMorphling » Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:48 am

Alexandre (sorry if I spelled that wrong :)) I feel for you man. I hope you catch this guy, and when you do he gets put in jail for a long time.

Check your pm's. I sent you one :)

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