Elder Dragon Wars Chaos Highlander Variant Format

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Elder Dragon Wars Chaos Highlander Variant Format

Post by chaosdjinn » Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:46 am

Hello all,
Just wanted to share this with all o you. I developed a chaos highlander variant that you might be interested in. I know its daunting in its size but there is an abridged version of the rules at the bottom of the post.

The Elder Dragon Wars-
The Magic: The Gathering Legends expansion-based Chaos Highlander Variant for 5 players

For the past twelve years, this project has been in the recesses of my mind and I have recently brought much of the insights I stored away from interrelated ideas, experiences and challenges to fruition in the first attempt to fix a set after it was released by changing the rules to make the experience of Magic even more diverse, challenging and ultimately, fun. I have, through dedicated research and reflection, designed a storyline and multiplayer game reflecting the background of the Elder Dragons, the multiverse and mana itself. The result of my labors is this Chaos Multiplayer format with cards pre-chosen for balance, power, and storyline flavor. Included are the decklists for which, after each permutation of The Elder Dragon Wars, changes will be made accordingly if spells are too powerful, too weak, too bland, or just generally out of flavor. In addition, with new cards added to the Magic Multiverse regularly, change, as always, will be expected and embraced to make The Elder Dragon Wars the most vibrant, fun, and diverse as it could be. I have given this format a lot of thought since I first encountered the Legends expansion in 1994 and, after experiencing the inherent problems within that set, wanted to make the set actually 'whole.' I hope this attempt comes close to my aspirations of bringing the Legends expansion to a prominence worthy of the magnitude of the personalities the legends represent. Many thanks to John Blake for his idea for the inclusion of, and mechanics for, the Scion of the Ur-Dragon phase of the game. May you all have as much enjoyment exploring the story and the game as I had conjuring, writing and developing all the contents herein.
Matt Furlong


The Elder Dragon Wars As told to Nebuchadnezzar the Great by the Elder Dragon, Nicol Bolas, before the first of many Elder Dragon Wars

Some say it was the primeval past, others believe it is a prescripted future. Still others believe what I am about to tell you is transpiring now. Folklores from across the multiverse suggest that long ago, before worlds orbited stars, before light traversed the galaxies, and before the multiverse teemed with vibrant sources of energy pulsating through the aether, there existed but one being; a being of infinite form and power that encompassed and imprisoned all that existed in its unimaginably-dense singularity of consciousness. This solitary being of immense power, known to itself as the Ur-Dragon, was an oppressive force permeating the imprisoned universe. Such power characterized the Ur-Dragon that all conceivable pre-existing energy and mass was reduced, by its sheer will, to the infinite density leaving nothing but its singularity against the cold backdrop of the eternal void. Through spite and avarice, the solitary consciousness that was the Ur-Dragon escaped the void’s emptiness and became a self-proclaimed god as it consumed and amalgamated all that was and all that will ever be.

As the aeons passed, a faint pulse of rhythmic energy began to oscillate within the singularity. Audaciously believing this anomaly innocuous, the Ur-Dragon absolved the aberrations a mere by-product of its own supreme restraining power. Thusly, the Ur-Dragon attempted to stifle the source of the vibrations within its prison by sheer, consummate will. Not to be restrained and growing ever more dynamic, the rhythmic pulsating of this unknown energy persisted incontestably to dominate the awareness of the Ur-Dragon; confounding the self-proclaimed god’s infinite will from its stranglehold over the singularity for but a nanosecond. The Ur-Dragon’s infinite power and oppressive will which restrained the universe from the void began to fluctuate and decompensate rapidly in response to this unbeknownst and unbridled force emanating from within itself. Within this nanosecond, the moment later known as The Great Efflorescence, an eruption of energy expanded beyond the influence of the Ur-Dragon’s singularity. The Ur-Dragon attempted to repulse this unknown energy to no avail. Determined to be free, this unknown energy, comprised of pure, independent conviction, burst forth through the devised constraints of the Ur-Dragon into a pentad spectrum of colors. This resolute exploit of the unknown energy expanded the enslaved universe into a rapidly dissociating planar realities pushing ever further beyond the command of its former captor.

As The Great Efflorescence instantaneously transcended its constraints into the void, the Ur-Dragon conjured a means in which to harness the exponential proliferation of the twisting and propagating pentad spectrum. Finding itself unable to contain the released potential as it formed an extensive vortex of mass, energy and relative time, the Ur-Dragon perilously fractured eternity itself and splintered its being into five distinctions in order to gain strategic advantage over the growing penta-chromatic vortex. With the chromatic vortex transcending logic and eternity’s constraints, each of the five distinctions of the Ur Dragon attempted to harness a specific shard of the five emanating chromas. Inexplicably, the pure, monochromatic shards of propagating white, blue, black, red and green energy proved, in their own right, to be too overwhelming a set of forces to the fragmenting will of the Ur-Dragon. In reaction to this exponential burgeoning, the Ur-Dragon, now functioning as a five-part collective, metamorphosed its five distinctions’ capacities to diffuse the chromatic emanations of the vortex through the debasement of the purity of each of the chromas by having them intersect, and thus countermand each other through their coalescence. Functioning in concerted synchronicity, the five distinctions of the Ur-Dragon consciously corrugated their diffusing efforts to debilitate the unbridled intensity of the chromas with the goal to avariciously overpower, harness and thus exploit the efflorescing of the vortex. As the five distinctions conjointly attempted to appropriate the vortex, so too did the pure chromas react to this distress by immensely increasing their energy expansion. As the nanosecond approached resolution, the five distinctions of the Ur-Dragon coordinated to envelop and subjugate the chromas through their concerted effort. Categorically resolute to be free of not only the Ur-Dragon, but also each other and the convergence being forced upon them by the Ur-Dragon’s attempts to dissolve them, the independent chromas incontestably overwhelmed the collective effort of the Ur-Dragon’s distinctions in their vain struggle to contain the illimitable powers unleashed.

Instantaneously, formidable reverberations from the energy and mass released filled the void as the vortex expanded in exponential extension. From the powerful shockwave, the Ur-Dragon’s consciousness began to disengage from its five distinctions and fragment permanently. As the conscious link between the distinctions severed from their design, the last remaining will of the Ur-Dragon fabricated a spatial-temporal anomaly which breached the fabric of eternity. To remove the remnants of its dissolving identity to safety from the blast that was forging the new time and space continuum, the Ur-Dragon, with its last dying commandment, fractured reality itself into a multitude of propagating shards that metastasized through the aether of the void. For the first time in the universe’s existence, freedom from constraint persisted and inculcated the final memory the Ur-Dragon’s awareness as its consciousness, and the monolithic reality it imprisoned, was fragmented infinitely by incorporating the void.

As time and space propagated into multiple dimensions and in infinite directions, the five distinctions slowly awoke, for the first time, as separate conscious entities trapped in the void between the planes, later to be known to these entities as The Planar Nexus. This infinitely pervasive phase of reality was manufactured by the Ur Dragon’s last effort to save itself. Encircled by an infinite number of newly forming planes as the universe fragmented into a multiverse, the entities were teeming with various levels of pulsating tri-chromatic energies. The distinctions were now separated from not only each other but also from the propagating planar realities. As the distinctions surveyed their isolation and its juxtaposition to the forming planes, it became apparent that this remote phase provided a far-reaching vantage point to all that now existed in its infinitude. This planar nexus was later found to be a series of anomalous wormholes that the newly-created beings pragmatically utilized, but ignorantly understood. An innate understanding allowed each of the five distinctions the ability to grasp the understanding that the temporal anomaly created by the Ur-Dragon’s last imposition of will outstretched in infinite directions at the precise moment of the schism with the purpose to connect to all that was being created. The fragmenting of the shards, themselves now separated from the singularity they once comprised, evolved the planes from the Ur-Dragon’s breach of eternity itself. This new reality became characteristically distinct from the infinite formation of planes as it pervasively encircled them paradoxically.

They surmised that this wasn’t a reality at all, but rather a nexus between realities that was all but devoid of the energies permeating the newly formed multiverse. Devoid that is, with the exception of the Ur-Dragon’s five distinctions and their incorporate energy essences. As the five distinctions each embraced their new realities, and the vantage point of the multiverse they were bestowed, they began to metamorphose into individual beings with dragon-like characteristics reflecting the combination of characteristics of the Ur-Dragon compounded by the specific contiguous triumvirate of chromas they each tried to harness and exploit at the moment of The Great Efflorescence. Imbued by their unique triumvirate of energies, energies which would later be labeled mana by more sentient beings, their new amalgams reflected the inherent propensities that defined each chroma’s varying levels of repulsion and attraction to each other. In this new phase of existence, the five distinctions now sought new, amalgamated purposes as they retained the Ur-Dragon’s will to dispense parsimonious subjugations, albeit now through the paradigm prisms of their unique tri-chromatic essences.

These five distinctions, later known as the Elder Dragons in the legend and lore of the both the allies they attracted through cultivation and the enemies they forged through repulsion, set out to annex the planes and infuse concentrations of their mana into all that existed while satisfying their inherent propensity for eternal dominion. With an infinite number of planes providing ample opportunity, the ambitions of the Elder Dragons for power first brought them to a nearby plane effusing with mana. Dominaria, as it came to be known, was the staging ground for the Elder Dragons’ conscriptions and manipulations in their quest for ultimate power. The Elders’ influences served as catalysts for both enmity and allegiance underlying countless wars as they traversed the planes relentlessly.

As millennia upon millennia crawled forward, each Elder Dragon, journeying throughout the multiverse via the Planar Nexus, continued their incessant insemination of influence within prominent leaders, vast civilizations, feral animals and even inanimate objects and terrains. Shortsightedly, even for most astute perceivers, the concentrations of mana the Elder Dragons apportioned throughout the planes occurred for but one seemingly-apparent purpose, to feed the self-preserving ambitions of the Elder Dragons’ desires for power to persist in propagating their domination.

Having developed into mortal enemies based on differing ideologies reflecting the effusing triumvirate of mana contained within them, the Elder Dragons amassed armies and incited thousands of wars across the infinite planes as they battled each other for superiority. After the Elder Dragons’ ambitions of power resulted in untold numbers of desolations and apocalypses for the inhabitants of the planes, the multiverse itself began to react and exhibit erratic reverberations in the mana flow and an alarming dearth of all five mana surfaced. Independent of the Elder Dragons’ influence in their ascendancies toward insolence, unforeseen cataclysms and decrements in their influence occurred anomalously across the planes. Sensing their own powers abating as a result of the instabilities, and having narrowly escaped whole planes’ collapse into oblivion through the Planar Nexus, the constitution of each Elder Dragon that was once fused with the Ur-Dragon unconsciously opened telepathic links between each of the their minds from across the multiverse in order to begin to ascertain answers to what was amounting to the impending collapse of all mana in the multiverse; the multiverse to which their selves and their pursuits were ontologically tied. Paradoxically, the mortal enemies who fought eternal battles now sought each other to confront the common enemy of mana collapse.

As if decreed to respond to the instability of the multiversal mana levels, the Elder Dragons indignantly congregated in the Planar Nexus to meditate upon the ominous threats they had experienced. As they transcended their hostilities towards each other, they perforated their difference and entered a unified awareness sourced from the shared meta-consciousness that once comprised the Ur-Dragon. Realizing now that the temporal anomaly that had ensured their survival of The Great Efflorescence was but ephemeral, their acts of consecrating concentrations of mana infusions throughout the multiverse was the primary cause of the decline as they unbalanced the delicate equation that sustained the reality of infinite planar subsistence. Fusions in one area of the multiverse caused fissions in others; a series of events that severely threatened collapse on the grandest scale- the total loss of the multiverse into the void it once absorbed.

Contemplatively reflecting in synchronous meditation of their shared fate, insights into avoiding the total collapse of multiversal reality surfaced. Beyond logic, the bolstering of their existent presented itself through insights leading to intuitions about the past, present, future and the vary nature of mana. As images of the original schism passed through their collective consciousness, they confirmed that in order for a release of mana on a magnitude consistent with creating and sustaining a multiverse to occur, a magnanimous cataclysmic destruction of existing energies is necessary to restore balance to the mana levels supporting the planes. As they pondered the multiverse and how they were bound to it, what manifested now in their awareness was the immutable fact that they were bestowed with the highest concentration of infused mana within their beings from their proximity to The Great Efflorescence so many aeons ago.

Inductively, in order to release the highest concentration of energy to counteract the current energy deficits of the multiverse, the destruction of the most powerful beings infused with mana would have to occur- the fission of the Elder Dragons themselves. As this fatalistic insight found its way to each Elder’s private consciousness engaged in the collective meditation, the purposes of their journeying across the multiverse after all these aeons was now apparent- to infuse, prepare and recruit for the cataclysmic battle that was to commence between them in order to counterbalance the loss of mana innerving the multiverse. Each Elder Dragon’s past encounters of mana infusion served but one purpose- to prepare the multiverse for a civil war whose ending ensured a new beginning.

After further reflection, the Elder Dragons welcomed the most comforting insight into their preternatural quest for salvation. The five chromas of mana, each component of the pentad seemingly with wills of their own, purposefully attracted and repulsed each other in the overlapping even distribution throughout all five Elder Dragons at the time of the Great Efflorescence. The Elder Dragons, aspiring gods in their own right, were but mere pawns in the battle between the essences of the pentad of mana for each color’s battle for superiority. This eternal battle between the five mana forged allies and enemies between the chromas throughout the aeons and, in the primeval past, when the Ur-Dragon had restrained the pentad spectrum into the singularity, their allegiances to and enmities for each other overpowered the god’s constraints; bursting forth to create the current multiverse teetering on the verge of collapse.

As the Elder Dragons reconstituted individually from their collective connection, they were abased by the manipulations their mana essences had on their existence. They realized that mutual destruction in order to maintain the mana in the multiverse would eliminate them from the equation that would lead to godhood for one of them. To self-absorbed beings, destruction of their entities would result in capitulation of the power they sought to the individual mana essences they exploited. Mutual destruction not being an option to egoistical beings, the Elder Dragons, each whose existence was now inextricably linked to the others, cunningly devised a pact to engage in fratricidal wars with the caveat that would ensure survival, on some hyper-physical level, for each of them to transcend death itself; thus still retaining their opportunity of ascension towards godhood of the multiverse. In the process, they would enjoy draconian command over the five mana essences as they manipulated them for their ambitions. Unequivocally, if one Elder Dragon were to be eternally destroyed by losing consciousness and becoming consumed by the void, then the release of that identity’s pure mana essence would overwhelm the impure triumvirates of the others; thus leading to all of their destructions with no chances of survival. Reciprocity, then, was the key to their survival.

Not to be dissuaded by this paradoxical portent, the Elder Dragons formed a dubious contract that, with their destruction being necessary for their survival, the penultimate survivor of the cataclysmic wars between them would preserve the essences of the four defeated Elder Dragons for the next time this cataclysmic battle must occur to replenish the mana of the multiverse. This constrained allegiance was consecrated to render the five individual mana essences incapable of escaping the Elder Dragon’s collective grasp. The perpetuation of the five mana triumvirates that comprised each Elder Dragon would thus be coalesced through the victor at the culmination of the war, ensuring the mana essences themselves incapable of transcendence of the Elder Dragons’ command.

In order to subsist, they had to push themselves and the multiverse to the brink of oblivion in order to persist as eternal suitors for dominion over it. Perpetuating their ambitions by reducing the pure mana essences into their triumvirate identities was their only salvation for their ambitions as it gave them control over the essences of mana by allowing a safeguard of the mana spectrum dwelling within their preserved core identities. Knowing they may have to eternally engage in this cataclysmic battle in order to maintain the reality they are ontologically tied to, the Elder Dragons thus parted ways and began to prepare for an eternal cycle of creation through violent destruction.

Throughout the aeons, the seeds they each had planted across the multiverse were now coming to fruition and were being prepared for harvest to engage in the Elder Dragon War on the Planar Nexus. As the Elder Dragons returned to Dominaria, the first, and therefore most prolific, plane of their insemination, they began the gathering of forces necessary for their control of the mana essences and preservation of their reality.

Unbeknownst to inhabitants of the multiverse, at the point in the ancient past of The Great Efflorescence were sown seeds of a more foreboding future. The opening of the telepathic links between the Elder Dragons to solve the dilemmas of the multiversal mana collapse served as an ominous portent of the Ur-Dragon’s desire to return to prominence. Deep in the recesses of the Elder Dragons’ minds, the ancient remnants of their fragmented creator began slowly and methodically to reconstitute its disparate influence into a consummation of its former self…


Sealed off from present day Dominaria for aeons, the first, and therefore most mana-infused sentient beings of Dominaria (later renowned as Legends of their time) still exist on a plane of pure spiritual essence. This gathering of the battle of the eternals from beyond time and the corporeal will take place within the Planar Nexus. The requisite war between the Elder Dragons and their earliest allies will not be without assistance from across space and time. Beings infused with pure mana were recruited from across the aeons to assist in this cataclysmic clash of the titans. The transport of these beings and powerful spells will be contingent upon artifice.
The Planar Gate, a portal devised as a means of planar travel by a warring empire lost to the annals of time, connects Dominaria to the Planar Nexus’ series of pervasive wormholes that traverse all planes. Not far from the Planar Gate on Dominaria, a Mana Matrix was also formed during the millennia of wars of the lost empire to aid in the transporting of spells. The Mana Matrix allows the Elder Dragons the opportunity to gain access to powerful spells used by their followers from across the millennia of wars of their bidding. In preparing for this total war, the Elder Dragons transported unique spells from both the past and the future of the multiverse to the planar nexus to aid themselves in the destruction of the others.

Enmity based on alignment to specific sets of mana result in each Elder Dragon having two Eternal Enemies that they share no overt allegiance. The forces of repulsion in the spectrum of mana have a very powerful influence on the Elder Dragon Wars. When the Planar Gate is used to transport Dominarian Legends to the Planar Nexus, reverberations in the fabric of mana cause powerful, ancient artifacts to phase into existence under the control of one of that Eternal Dragon’s eternal enemies. This arrival of artifice under the control of one of the eternal enemies of the summoner is caused by the spatial-temporal anomaly of non-Elder Dragon beings arriving in the Planar Nexus and the subsequent warping of the phase reality of the nexus because of the type and amount of pure mana entering the Planar Nexus. This process results in a skewing of the fabric of the multiverse’s mana spectrum toward the summoner in their transporting of beings through the Planar Portal. The planar nexus gradients where these artifacts arrive from across time and space are concentrated toward the part of the mana spectrum with the least influence of the mana being used in the transport of these Legendary figures. This compensation of the mana spectrum when a severe dearth occurs in some part of it has potentially dangerous implications for the Elder Dragon’s summons as one of his diametrically-opposed eternal enemies now have the opportunity to exploit the power of these indiscriminately chosen tools of artifice.

With the arrival of artifice in phase reality, the very fabric of space-time convolutes and warps reality in very unimaginable ways. As spells are successfully transported at the behest of the Elders through space and time to the planar nexus to aid in their battles, the spell’s essences in this phase bend the fabrics of reality through their arrival triggering the presence of random, powerful global enchantments from across the multiverse. The arrival of artifice and powerful enchantments, triggered off of legendary creatures and powerful spells respectively, to the planar nexus will chaotically warp the fields of battle and complicate the best laid plans of the most ardent Elder Dragon leaders.

As enmity exists between the Elder Dragons, so do strong alliances based on mana alignments, inherent mana connections, and their realizations that future permutations of the multiverse will be born from the triumvirate that survives. In the Elder Dragon Wars, Elder Dragons may serve as protectors for any other Elder they have mana in common with as they serve and share some common values. Though they may not attack for nor command their armies to attack for their allies from their allies’ gradients, protecting fellow Elder Dragons who share common sources of mana ensures that, at the beginning of the reconstruction of the fabric of mana in the multiverse after the great war, the catalyst of genesis will begin from the victor’s triumvirate of mana and propagate across the mana spectrum with the last recipients losing opportunity and influence on the others in exerting their mana throughout the multiverse. The Elder Dragons are aware of this method of propagation and wish to ensure their viability in order to be most effective through the aeons.

The war for nothing short of existence itself will commence as the last constituents arrive toward the Planar Nexus. The coming cataclysmic battle between the Elder Dragons, the mana essences and the reconstituting will of the Ur-Dragon itself will be like no battles that have previously transpired- as chaos will reign as the multiverse is torn asunder.

-Nebuchadnezzar the Great, journal entry en route to the Planar Gate

• The Elder Dragon Wars- Rules
The Magic: The Gathering Legends expansion-based Chaos Highlander Variant for 5 players

questions, comments, confusions, complaints, criticisms?
Matt Furlong

Due to this permutation of Magic requiring it, players begin with 75 life points.

1. Creatures Eleven {11} aligned multicolor legendary creatures from the Legends expansion and three {3} mono-colored Legends from other expansions (each one representative of the Elder Dragon’s colors) comprise the armies the Elder Dragons command.
Elder Dragon Commander Alignment
Arcades Sabboth gWu
Chromium wUb
Nicol Bolas uBr
Vaevictus Asmadi bRg
Palladia Mors rGw
Each Elder Dragon represents their axis color (center and bolded above) and seating is determined by the clockwise color pie of their axis color.

2. Legendary Creatures- A total of 14 creature spells are included in each 44 card deck. At the beginning of each game, each player starts the game with 4 cards in play-one basic land (the only basic lands in the decks) of each of their colors in play and his Elder Dragon in play with a nexus counter on it. These three basic lands are in addition to the lands included in the 40 cards and flavorfully represent the mana essences of the Elders describer in the storyline.
• An Elder Dragon cannot attack or block unless that dragon’s card’s mana cost was paid to remove the nexus counter to cast it and it began a turn in play under your control. {An Elder Dragon with a nexus counter does not provide continuous effects to the board state.}An Elder Dragon’s nexus counter may be removed by something which provides an alternate casting cost or other means of being able to put a creature directly into play from your hand.
• An Elder Dragon in nexus state is considered to be in your hand but will not force you to discard a card if you have 7 in hand and the Elder Dragon in nexus.
• If an Elder Dragon were to leave play to any other zone (hand, graveyard, RFG, phasing, turned into a morph), instead return the nexus counter to that creature and it returns to its original nexus state. These guys are THE eternal dragons.
• An Elder Dragon’s upkeep cost must be paid only if it does not have a nexus counter on it. Failure to pay upkeep costs of Elder Dragons will return it to nexus state with a counter on that creature and it will need to be recast accordingly.
• An Elder Dragon who returns to the nexus state for any reason loses all enchantments and/or non-nexus counters.
• Elder Dragons may not be targeted by spells or abilities if they have a nexus counter on them.
• As normal, the casting of Elder Dragons trigger ‘comes into play effects’ and they can be countered.
• All Elder Dragons have the FLASH ability in the planar nexus.
• All the multi-colored creatures are only from the Legends Expansion. For the first time, my sense has proven that all will have a most effective presence on the board.
• The controller of an Elder Dragon card in play may have that Elder Dragon block for an Ally.

The mono-colored Legends have been recruited for their abilities to contribute to the goals of the alignments.

3. PLANAR ARTIFACTS (2 total)-
Planar Gate and Mana Matrix: are considered indestructible Planar Artifacts that begin play face up in the center of the table and remain in play until the game ends. Planar Artifacts are controlled by all players and can be targeted but cannot be removed from the game, to any other zone, or destroyed but may be ‘shut off’ by being tapped or by countering effects. If they become tapped, they untap during the next consecutive player’s untap phase.
• Order of effects for casting legendary creatures or spells using Planar Artifacts- 1. announcement 2.mana paid, priority passed {stifle or Icy Manipulator effects after mana is paid will shut off the Planar Artifact and remove the spell/creature from the stack and from the game- the exception being Elder Dragons-they return to nexus state). If a planar artifact is tapped, no spells of the appropriate type (Gate- creatures; Matrix-other spells) may be cast until the next time they are untapped.

*Mana Matrix and Planar Gate have continuous effects that modify the casting cost of their controller’s spells at the time of announcement (minus 2 colorless makes the Legends from Legends actually playable and the included spells more economical).

4. Legendary Regrowth Effects-

Any player may sacrifice any number of legendary creatures when they have priority to legally target a legendary creature card in their graveyard to regrow it to their hand as long as the sacrificed creature or creatures share all colored mana costs with the target creature in the graveyard. (ex. Sacrifice of a UW and a UB creature after combat damage is on the stack to return a UWB creature is allowable; conversely, a UWB creature may be sacrificed to return a UW, UB or a BW legend).The targeting must be legal to sacrifice the creatures-therefore a player cannot sacrifice a creature without a legal target to avoid an opponent’s Control Magic.

Mono-colored legends may also be sacrificed to target a mono-colored spell in its controller’s graveyard (instant, sorcery or enchantment). Jaya can be activated to cast an inferno and then be sacrificed with her abiliy on the stack to return a Fireball in your graveyard to your hand.

5. Eternal Enemies- are defined by an axis color’s naturally-opposed alignments (i.e.- W’s natural enemies are B and R).
Only Eternal Enemies may be attacked by a player until no Eternal Enemies of that player remain. Once no Eternal Enemies remain, a player may attack any remaining players.

6. Reverberating Artifacts- When a legendary creature comes into play, that creature’s controller puts an artifact reverberation trigger on the stack(thus it can be countered); once the trigger resolves, that player puts the top card from the artifact pile into play under control of one that player’s eternal enemies. Any player may have no more than 2 Reverberating artifacts in play at a time, if a 3rd were to come into play under that player’s control, the artifact with the oldest timestamp is sacrificed as a triggered ability to the 3rd coming into play. The time stamp will be identified by 2 artifact zones on the playing board (1 & 2 west to east for each player respectively). If an artifact were to be sacrificed for another cost or effect, then the newer timestamp moves into that artifact’s place.
• Determination of which eternal enemy is the recipient of the reverberating artifact is decided by low roll on a die between the eternal enemies (flavor insert- using the low roll signifies the dearth of mana in the multiverse explained in the storyline).
• An artifact that is destroyed, sacrificed or whose upkeep is not paid goes to the artifact graveyard.
• Artifacts, if returned to a controller’s hand, are put into the artifact graveyard instead.
• If a player is eliminated, the player responsible for the elimination may choose an artifact controlled by the eliminated player.
• If a player is eliminated and a Legendary creature CIP’s trigger resolves, the reverberating artifacts continue to come into play under the remaining eternal enemy’s control until no eternal enemies remain.
• When no eternal enemies remain, Reverberating Artifacts come into play under the caster’s control instead in the same manner as described.
• Any artifact may be sacrificed by its controller during his upkeep for the cost of 10 life points.
• Elder Dragons CIP’s do trigger reverberating artifacts.

7. Diametrical-opposition Collapsing Circle Format. In the early game, a player may only attack another player if that player is an Eternal Enemy. Once both of a player’s Eternal Enemies are removed from the game, then that player may attack any player still in the game until only 1 Elder Dragon wins the game. Allegiance progressing toward enmity will make for interesting diplomacy.
(flavor insert…Though at their core they are all mortal enemies based on disparate mana compositions, the Elder Dragons will not kill an aligned Elder seated to their left or right until the highest concentrations of enemy mana are removed from the game. Once all of an Elder’s Eternal Enemies are eliminated, the once aligned Elders now develop enmity for each other because of their composite mana differences and their previous alignments with their own Eternal Enemy Elder Dragons. In order to ensure the survival of their aligned mana components to exploit the balance the mana in the multiverse to prepare for the next incarnation of The Elder Dragon War, the politics of war will make for interesting choices from the beginning of the game until the end of the game for the controllers of the Elder Dragons.)
The last remaining victorious Elder Dragon has earned the title of Savior and is the keeper of the essences of the other Elder Dragons for the next time the mana flow must be replenished (i.e. the next played game of Elder Dragon Wars). The next game of Elder Dragon Wars within the same playgroup begins with the Savior taking three consecutive turns. Then, each of his aligned Elder Dragons take one turn in clockwise order before regular turn order begins with the first Eternal Enemy clockwise to the victor.

8. Range of Spells and Effects Spells have a global effect and range and all options can target(if legal) any permanent, spell or player if its controller so chooses.

9. Order of turns- The starting point of the turn order of the first game of Elder Dragon Wars is determined randomly at the beginning of the game. Play commences clockwise from the determined starting point.

10. Basic Lands and Artifacts: Basic Lands are considered permanent permanents and are returned to play if destroyed or sacrificed. Artifacts will always be put into the artifact graveyard instead of any other zone.

11. Predetermined Decks and Assignment- Because each player has knowledge of all the decklists, assignment of decks to players is determined randomly at the start of the first encounter of the play group.

12. Reverberating Enchantments- Non-creature spells are tied to powerful Global Enchantments- Whenever a non-creature spell successfully resolves, a reverberation trigger for a powerful global or world enchantment is put on the stack. When the trigger resolves, an enchantment card is turned over from the Enchantment pile and comes into play. This enchantment affects the game state as stated on the card. Henceforth, whenever another non-creature spell successfully resolves, the revealed enchantment is put on the bottom of the enchantment pile and the next enchantment is revealed. These enchantments can be targeted but are considered indestructible and cannot be removed from the game or to any other zone.
• Any player may pay {5 life} to counter an instance of enchantment reverberation. This ability may be activated as many times as any player chooses. Paying 5 life to counter enchantment reverberation will keep the current enchantment in play and the game state will continue to be effected by it.

13. Reverberating Chaos Cards-If a player has a Legendary creature during his upkeep, that player draws a card from the Chaos Cards pile. That spell, denoted as distinct from the other cards in that players hand by the unique color of the sleeve, can be played, when legally allowable, without paying its casting cost for the cost of 5 life taking place of its converted mana cost. For all intents and purposes, while this spell is on the stack, the CMC=0. (flavor insert for clarification- with the dearth of energy in the multiverse, errant ethereal spells, lands, and creatures are transported from diminishing planes and reconstitute into the planar nexus through the Mana Matrix. The presence of the Legends’ concentration of mana, regardless of color and alignment, is more powerfully attractive than the scant type of mana on the diminishing plane from which the spell originated). Card types, as in the regular game, denote legality of timing when playing the spell (i.e. land, sorcery & enchantment during main phase only, etc.). Once cast, these spells return to the Chaos Spell graveyard instead of any other zone. If the resolution of a spell’s effects were to shuffle it into your library instead of placing it into your graveyard (Beacon of Tomorrows, for example), then that spell is put in of the Chaos Card graveyard.

14. Scion of The Ur-Dragon When the third Elder Dragon is eliminated from the game (essentially leaving the board state to reflect only 4 of the 5 colors of Magic triggering a shockwave of mana dearth throughout the multiverse), the Scion of the Ur-Dragon Deck comes into play (does not trigger CIP effects) in the most-recently vacated color seat with the Scion of the Ur-Dragon in play with summoning sickness. The Scion is indestructible and cannot be made to leave play from any effect or forced sacrifice (i.e. STP or Balance/Diabolic Edict). The next player’s turn then begins as normal.

The 5 dragon cards comprising the Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck are the 5 Legendary Invasion Dragons that were created as reflections of the Elder Dragons(Dromar, et.al) Turns then commence as normal after the deck is brought into play. As the Ur-dragon begins a turn in play, a dragon card from the Scion deck is chosen randomly and the Scion of the Ur-Dragon becomes that creature until the end of the turn. The regular phases of a turn only trigger if a spell or effect would force that phase into the game. If not, an informal attack phase is triggered and that creature is then forced to attack the player it shares the least color association with. If two players share an equal amount of colors with the Ur-Dragon (one Invasion Dragon will always have to target both players based on the finitude of the color circle and the three color overlapping compositions of the Elder Dragons), then both players are attacked simultaneously by the Ur-Dragon functioning as two distinct entities (In this case, a player may choose to tap the incarnation attacking him, but leave the other incarnation to deal its damage to its opponent- consider it a Stangg twin token that’s not legendary…wait…how did Stangg have a copy of himself as himself if it was not himself? Phew…I’ll leave that one up to someone else to explain…but I digress…).

Players can block the Ur-Dragon if able.

If the Ur-Dragon deals combat damage to a player or players, the other player (essentially the player(s) most aligned to the Invasion dragon who could actually pay the triggered ability of that Invasion Dragon with their available mana) may choose to activate the Invasion dragons’ ability for its effect by paying its activation cost and making any necessary choices the activation calls for. All effects resolve as stated on the Invasion Dragon’s cards according to the rules of regular Magic (can be stifled, etc). If this ability resolves, then the activator(s) is/are the beneficiaries of the effects.

The Scion of the Ur-Dragon affects the game as long as dragon cards exist in its library and the game proceeds in turn order with the Scion deck in the turn order from which it entered. After five complete revolutions of the turn order, the Scion of The Ur-Dragon would have exhausted its library and both players would have been attacked three times each (one of which was the simultaneous attack). If a Scion of the Ur-dragon attack were to eliminate a player, then the remaining player would be the victor after the Ur-Dragon had expired. Once the Scion of the Ur-Dragon’s last turn is taken with both players still in the game, then turns commence in standard clockwise order. If the Scion of the Ur-Dragon were to eliminate both players, then the actual Ur-Dragon’s essence would be victorious and we’d never be able to play another game of Magic, nor do anything else for that matter, as the Ur-Dragon would have risen to prominence and reduced all realities to its oppressive singularity again. Nice knowing you.
• Scion of The Ur-Dragon’s CIP does not trigger reverberating spells.
• Scion may be tapped before it attacks (an informal attack phase is declared) thus nullifying the attack.
• If it’s removed from the game, destroyed, tapped or the Scion’s random search trigger is countered by a spell or ability, then that turn’s attack has no effect.
• If an Elder Dragon is eliminated and only one player remains, then all instances of the Scion of the Ur-Dragon’s attacks target the remaining player. If that player is killed by the Ur-Dragon, then good job guys…you just let all in God’s creation collapse under the weight of the most unrelenting being of avarice in the history of eternity…
• If a lone player survives the Ur-Dragon, then they are the Savior and win the Game.
• The Ur-Dragon card (or the copy that it has become) may not be controlled or taken control by any player in the game.

15. Sleeves- With numerous decks and source piles on the table, and with cards shifting between zones, colored sleeves will be used to differentiate the source, and eventual destination, of the card.

16. If a player cannot draw a card from having no cards left in his library, the contents of his graveyard are shuffled into his library. There are no ‘mill’ effects in the game and players do not lose from being unable to draw a card. If a spell or ability were to force a player to draw from an empty library, that player shuffles the contents of his graveyard into his library.

17. The written unwritten rule- any player killed by Kasimir the Lone Wolf must buy pizza and soda at the next commencement of Elder Dragon Wars. = )


Elder Dragon Wars #1, December 2006
Axis Color- WHITE

{4}GWU Creatures:
1. Arcades Sabboth (begins game in nexus state)
2. Angus Mackenzie
3. Rubinia Soulsinger
4. Ragnar
{7}GW Creatures:
1. Torsten Von Ursus
2. Sir Shandlar of Eberyn
3. Lord Magnus
4. Lady Caleria
5. Kei Takahashi
6. Jasmine Boreal
7. Gabriel Angelfire
{3}Mono-colored Legends:
1. Reya Dawnbringer
2. Aboshan Cephalid Emperor
3. Arashi, the Sky Asunder
{10} Spells:
1. Wrath of God
2. Mobilization
3. Swords to Plowshares
4. Dismantling Blow
5. Ertai’s Meddling
6. Mind Games
7. Yavimaya’s Embrace
8. Planar Collapse
9. Decree of Justice
10. Trickbind
{20} Lands (3 Basic Lands begin game in play)
Forest, Plains, Island, Kjeldoran Outpost, Eiganjo Castle, Lotus Vale, Maze of Ith, Tarnished Citadel, Ruins of Trokair, Svyelunite Castle, Treva’s Ruins, Skycloud Expanse, Havenwwod Battleground, Elfhame palace, Coastal Tower, Sungrass Prairie, Boreal Shelf, Arctic Flats, Skyshroud Forest, Pillar of the Paruns

Elder Dragon Wars #1, December 2006
Axis Color- BLUE

{4}WUB Creatures:
1. Chromium (begins game in nexus state)
2. Lady Evangela
3. Halfdane
4. Dakkon Blackblade
{7}WU Creatures:
1. Tobias Andrion
2. Rasputin Dreamweaver
3. Kasimir the Lone Wolf
4. Jedit Ojanen
5. Hunding Gjornersen
6. Gosta Dirk
7. Ayesha Tanaka
{3} Mono-colored Legends:
1. Keiga the Tide Star
2. Eight and a half tails
3. Kagemaro, First to Suffer
{10} Spells:
1. Spelljack
2. Balance
3. Death Grasp
4. Stifle
5. Control Magic
6. Distorting Wake
7. Counterspell
8. Controvert
9. Blatant Thievery
10. Treachery
{20} Lands (3 Basic Lands begin game in play)
Plains, Island, Swamp, Minamo School at Water’s Edge, Blinkmoth well, Lotus Vale, Kor Haven, Salt Flats, Boreal Shelf, Frost Marsh, Darkwater Catacmbs, Skycloud Expanse, Coastal Tower, salt Marsh, Ruins of Trokair, Svyelunite Temple, Ebon Stronghold, Dromar’s Cavern, Soldevi Excavations, Pillar of the Paruns.

Elder Dragon Wars #1, December 2006
Axis Color- BLACK

{4}UBR Creatures:
1. Nicol Bolas (begins game in nexus state)
2. Tetsuo Umezawa
3. Sol’Kanar the Swamp King
4. Gwendlyn DiCorci
{7}UB Creatures:
1. Ur Drago
2. Sivitri Scarzam
3. Riven Turnbull
4. Ramses Overdark
5. Ramirez DePietro
6. Princess Lucrezia
7. Nebuchadnezzar
{3} Mono-colored Legends:
1. Chainer, Dementia Master
2. Barrin Master Wizard
3. Latulla, Keldon Overseer
{10} Spells:
1. Turbulent Dreams
2. Ray of Command
3. Decree of Pain
4. Victimize
5. Confiscate
6. Cancel
7. Assassinate
8. Dregs of Sorrow
9. Detonate
10. Launch
{20} Lands (3 Basic Lands begin game in play)
Island, Swamp, Mountain, Miren The Moaning Well, Shiza, Death’s Storehouse, Dark Depths, Lotus Vale, Tarnished Citadel, Pillar of the Paruns, Crosis’s Catacombs, Caldera Lake, Ebon Stronghold, Svyelunite Temple, Dwarven Ruins, Urborg Volcano, Salt Marsh, Tresserhorn Sinks, Frost Marsh, Shadowblood Ridge, Darkwater Catacombs.

Elder Dragon Wars #1, December 2006
Axis Color- RED

{4}BRG Creatures:
1. Vaevictus Asmadi (begins game in nexus state)
2. Xira Arien
3. Bartel Runeaxe
4. Adun Oakenshield
{7}BR Creatures:
1. Tor Wauki
2. Rohgahh of Kher Keep
3. Pavel Maliki
4. Lady Orca
5. Boris Devilboon
6. Barktooth Warbeard
7. Axelrod Gunnarson
{3} Mono-colored Legends:
1. Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
2. Ascendant Evincar
3. Glissa Sunseeker
{10} Spells:
1. Fault Line
2. Plague Wind
3. Fireball
4. Decimate
5. Hero’s Demise
6. Time of Need
7. Starke of Rath
8. Death Mutation
9. Disintegrate
10. Ancient Grudge
{20} Lands (3 Basic Lands begin game in play)
Swamp, Mountain, Forest, Kher Keep, Shinka The Bloodsoaked Keep, Lotus Vale, Pillar of the Paruns, Mossfire Valley, Shadowblood Ridge, Pine Barrens, Highland Weald, Tresserhorn Sinks, Shivan Oasis, Urborg Volcano, Ebon Stronghold, Dwarven Ruins, Havenwood Battleground, Darigaaz’s Caldera, Tarnished Citadel, Balduvian Trading Post.

Elder Dragon Wars #1, December 2006
Axis Color- GREEN

{4}RGW Creatures:
1. Palladia Mors (begins game in nexus state)
2. Johan
3. Jacques leVert
4. Hazezon Tamar
{7}RG Creatures:
1. Tuknir Deathlock
2. The Lady of the Mountain
3. Sunastian Falconer
4. Stangg
5. Marshault Elsdragon
6. Livonya Silone
7. Jerrard of the Closed Fist
{3} Mono-colored Legends:
1. Myojin of Cleansing Fire
2. Kumano, Master Yamabushi
3. Nemata Grove Guardian
{10} Spells:
1. Doubling Season
2. Brightflame
3. Planar Guide
4. Chastise
5. Decree of Savagery
6. Saproling Symbiosis
7. Artifact Mutation
8. Condemn
9. Rout
10. Orim’s Thunder
{20} Lands (3 Basic Lands begin game in play)
Mountain, Forest, Plains, Vitu-Ghazi The City Tree, Okina Temple of the Grandfathers, Keldon Necropolis, Gaea’s Cradle, Tarnished Citadel, Arctic Flats, Highland Weald, Sungrass Prairie, Mossfire Valley, Elfhame Palace, Shivan Oasis, Havenwood Battleground, Dwarven Ruins, Ruins of Trokair, Rith’s Grove, Scabland, Pendelhaven.


Planar Artifacts (Indestructible, cannot be RFG’d)
1. Planar Portal
2. Mana Matrix

Reverberating Artifacts-(no more than 2 controlled by one player at a time).
1. Al Abara’s Carpet
2. Arena of the Ancients
3. Gauntlet of Chaos
4. Horn of Deafening
5. Knowledge Vault
6. Kry Shield
7. Life Matrix
8. Mirror Universe
9. Nova Pentacle
10. Sword of the Ages
11. Cryptic Gateway
12. Barl’s Cage
13. Mirari
14. Arc of Blight
15. Nevinyrral’s Disk
16. Oblivion Stone
17. Icy Manipulator
18. Grinning Totem
19. Temporal Aperture
20. Aladdin’s Lamp
21. Citanul Flute
22. Armageddon Clock
23. Rocket Launcher
24. Tawnos’ Coffin
25. Urza’s Miter
26. Life Chisel
27. Ring of Immortals
28. Naked Singularity
29. Jester’s Cap
30. Pentagram of the Ages
31. Forcefield
32. Aladdin’s Ring
33. Cursed Totem
34. Phyrexian Vault
35. Triangle of War
36. Bosium Strip
37. Touchstone
38. Kill Switch
39. Planar Portal
40. Dragon Arch
41. Echo Chamber
42. Puppet Strings
43. Ring of Gix
44. Erratic Portal
45. Storage Matrix
46. Monkey Cage
47. Crawlspace
48. Sword of the Chosen
49. Gate to the Aether
50. Mindslaver
51. Avarice Totem
52. Eon Hub
53. Possessed Portal
54. Karn Silver Golem
55. Ankh of Mishra
56. Jinxed Idol
57. Amber Prison
58. Anvil of Bogardan
59. Acidic Dagger
60. Lightning Coils
61. That which was Taken
62. Mightstone
63. Weakstone
64. Jinxed Ring
65. Flying Carpet
66. Tower of Champions
67. Tower of Eons
68. Tower of Fortunes
69. Jinxed Choker
70. Amulet of Unmaking
71. Bloodclock
72. Plague Boiler
73. Celestial Sword
74. Chariot of the Sun
75. Bullwhip
76. Chaos Orb
77. Hornet Cannon
78. Meekstone
79. Serrated Arrows
80. Time Bomb
81. Phyrexian Splicer
82. Phyrexian Grimmoire
83. Quicksilver Fountain
84. Powder Keg
85. Power Matrix
86. Altar of Shadows
87. Relic Barrier
88. Sarpadian Empires
89. The Hive
90. Shield of the Ages
91. Skull Catapult
92. Time Sifter
93. Torture Chamber
94. Staff of Domination
95. Phyrexian Furnace
96. Scrabbling Claws
97. Sandstone Deadfall
98. Leonin Bladetrap
99. Cold Storage
100. Doom Cannon

Reverberating Enchantments (any player may pay 5 life to counter a reverberation trigger to keep the revealed enchantment in play and nullify the revealing of another enchantment)
1. Gravity Sphere
2. Caverns of Despair
3. The Abyss
4. Nether Void
5. Concordant Crossroads
6. Revelation
7. Total War
8. All Hallow’s Eve
9. Aether Storm
10. Mana Vortex
11. Oppression
12. Repercussion
13. Pillar Tombs of Aku
14. Grand Melee
15. Antagonism
16. Arboria
17. Bedlam
18. Breathsteeler’s Crypt
19. Burning Sands
20. Ancient Runes
21. Chaosphere
22. Citadel of Pain
23. City of Solitude
24. Confusion in the Ranks
25. Oath of Druids
26. Unifying Theory
27. Cowardice
28. Damping Field
29. Death Match
30. Death Pits of Rath
31. Dense Foilage
32. Dream Halls
33. Dual Nature
34. Earnest Fellowship
35. Elkin Lair
36. Endless Whispers
37. Energy Flux
38. Faces of the Past
39. Fecundity
40. Pendrell Mists
41. No Quarter
42. Sunken Hope
43. Spreading Plague
44. Power Surge
45. Spiritual Sanctuary
46. Volrath’s Dungeon
47. Oath of Scholars
48. Powerstone Minefield
49. Psychic Battle
50. Pure Reflection
51. Destructive Flow
52. Oath of Ghouls
53. Rising Waters
54. Shared Fate
55. Overburden
56. Smoke
57. Spellshock
58. Task Mage Assembly
59. Tainted Aether
60. Tectonic Instability
61. Pandemonium
62. Eye of the Storm
63. Vile Consumption
64. Worms of the Earth
65. Suppression Field
66. Zur’s Weirding
67. Aether Barrier
68. Aether Flash
69. Mass Hysteria
70. Call to the Grave
71. Lethal Vapors
72. Flooded Woodlands
73. Mudslide
74. Humility
75. Ice Cave
76. Impatience
77. In the Eye of Chaos
78. Magistrate’s Veto
79. Magnetic Mountain
80. Invasion Plans
81. Infernal Genesis
82. Mana Breach
83. Intruder Alarm
84. Furnace of Rath
85. Planar Void
86. Soul Barrier
87. Forsaken Wastes
88. Teferi’s Realm
89. Absolute Law
90. Absolute Grace
91. Dueling Grounds
92. Wrath of Marit Lage
93. Desolation
94. Freyalise’s Winds
95. Hall of Gemstone
96. Keldon Twilight
97. Mana Echoes
98. Mist of Stagnation
99. Manabarbs
100. Limited Resources

Reverberating Chaos Cards(put into hand at beginning of upkeep if that player controls a Legend; cost to play each is 5 life- please see previous rules for further clarification).
1. Temporal Cascade
2. Island of Wak-Wak
3. Reverse The Sands
4. Gilded Drake
5. Time Stretch
6. Solar Tide
7. Searing Wind
8. Radiant’s Judgment
9. Evacuation
10. Warp World
11. Walk The Aeons
12. Arena
13. Fatespinner
14. Reprisal
15. Time Spiral
16. Eternal Dominion
17. Grab the Reins
18. All Sun’s Dawn
19. Phyrexian Plaguelord
20. Gate to Phyrexia
21. Aurification
22. Day of the Dragons
23. Tabernacle At Pendrell Vale
24. Pacifism
25. Inner Sanctum
26. Temporal Isolation
27. Pillory of the Sleepless
28. Heart of Bogardan
29. Wave of Terror
30. Reins of Power
31. Flame Wave
32. Prismatic Circle
33. Ritual of Subdual
34. Misfortune
35. Altar of Bone
36. Paradox Haze
37. Fissure
38. Infest
39. Death Pulse
40. Patriarch’s Bidding
41. Peer Pressure
42. Diabolic Edict
43. Chainer’s Edict
44. Overrun
45. Relentless Assault
46. Return to Dust
47. Topple
48. Twisted Justice
49. Library of Lat nam
50. Oxidize
51. Naturalize
52. Goryo’s Vengeance
53. Beacon of Unrest
54. Altar’s Light
55. Rethink
56. Devouring Light
57. Abeyance
58. Terminate
59. Vanish into Memory
60. Second Sunrise
61. Solitary Confinement
62. Hunting Pack
63. Might of the Nephilim
64. Seedtime
65. Fold Into Aether
66. Wear away
67. Shallow Grave
68. Disharmony
69. Shoving Match
70. Magmatic Core
71. Shatterstorm
72. Exile
73. Time Warp
74. Brace for Impact
75. Strip Mine
76. Beacon of Immortality
77. Beacon of Tomorrows
78. Deacon of Destruction
79. Pernicious Deed
80. Dance of Many
81. Equipoise
82. Bathe In Light
83. Blaze of Glory
84. Blessed Reversal
85. Eye for an eye
86. Ghostway
87. Momentary Blink
88. Otherworldly Journey
89. Renounce
90. Yare
91. An-Zerrin Ruins
92. Energy Arc
93. Perplex
94. Bind
95. Interdict
96. Chameleon Blur
97. Swift Silence
98. Sudden Death
99. Echoing Decay
100. Soul Blast

Scion of the Ur-Dragon Deck
1. Scion of the Ur-Dragon
2. Crosis The Purger,
3. Treva The Renewer
4. Rith The Awakener
5. Darigaaz The Igniter
6. Dromar The Banisher

Elder Dragon Wars- Abridged Rules Reference Sheet
Goals of the game-
Work with your allies against your eternal enemies and then defeat your allies to be the last player remaining. Next game, the winner takes 3 turns first and then his allies take a turn before the defeated eternal enemies begin the clockwise order of play.
1. Elder Dragons cannot be moved from play to any other zone other than nexus. Don’t affect the board while in nexus. Must pay their upkeep.
2. All Legends haste.
3. When a Legend is successfully cast, reveal (reverberate) an artifact from the artifact pile and eternal enemies roll a die and the person with lowest die roll gets it. No more than 2 artifacts under 1 person’s control. If 3rd artifact comes into play, the 1st goes to your graveyard. When you have no eternal enemies left, reverberating artifacts come under your control. This ability can be countered. Artifacts go to the artifact graveyard instead of any other zone.
4. When a non-creature spell is successfully cast, reveal (reverberate) an enchantment from the enchantment pile. This ability can be countered. Any player may pay 5 life to counter this reverberation to keep the current enchantment in play.
5. At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control any Legend draw a chaos card from the chaos card pile. That spell may be played anytime when legally allowable for 5 life instead of its casting cost. When cast, chaos cards go to the Chaos cards pile graveyard. If discarded or cast, they go to Chaos card graveyard.
6. Multi-color and Mono-color Legends may be sacrificed to return any legend from graveyard to hand. Sacrificed creature(s) must share all colors with the target in the graveyard.
7. Mono-color Legends may also be sacrificed to return a mono-colored spell (instant, sorcery or enchantment) with the exact color (mono-green legend returns only a mono-green spell).
8. Eternal Enemies and Allies- allies start next to you, eternal enemies are directly opposite of you. You may have an Elder Dragon block for an ally. Early game- protect your allies to defeat your eternal enemies; late game- defeat your former allies on the road to victory.
9. Only Eternal enemies may be attacked until a person has no eternal enemies left. Then that player may attack the remaining players. 5 men enter- 1 man leaves. When a player is defeated, the player who eliminated him may get any artifact that player controls.
10. BASIC LANDS return to play if they go the graveyard.
11. Mana Matrix(instants or enchantments) and Planar Gate(creatures)- {both reduce their respective spells by 2 colorless} When a spell is on the stack, these planar artifacts may be shut off by tapping (i.e.-icy manipulator) or by anything that counters an activated or triggered ability; creature or spell is removed from the stack and from the game.
12. When game is down to 2 players- Scion of the Ur-Dragon enters the game.

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