Destroy All of Humanity Tokens (Japanese)

Index | 2022

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(N° 001/009 T)
Click card to see backside !

Angel Version 1
Illus.Katsuyoshi Ise &Takuma Yokota
Source Buying a Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Draft or Set booster boxes at Hareruya2022-02-18
InfoDouble-faced token with frame. It exists in foil. 天使 トークン・クリーチャーー天使 飛行 Flavor Text:「世界が滅びるその時は私といっしょにいてくれる?」 ———沢渡慧美 4/4 001/009 T SUBSORE JP ✒︎伊瀬勝良・横田卓馬 English: Token Creature Angel Text: Flying Flavor Text: "Will you be with me when the world is destroyed?" ——— Emi Sawatari ✒︎ Katsuyoshi Ise and Takuma Yokota