Unglued II: The Obligatory Sequel

Index | White Illustrations 1999 | White Cards 1999 | Blue Illustrations 1999 | Blue Cards 1999 | Black Illustrations 1999 | Black Cards 1999 | Red Illustrations 1999 | Red Cards 1999 | Green Illustrations 1999 | Green Cards 1999 | Scratch-Off Illustrations 1999 | Scratch-Off Cards 1999 | Split Cards Illustrations 1999 | Split Cards 1999 | Artifact Illustrations 1999 | Artifact Cards 1999 | Land Illustrations 1999 | Land Cards 1999 | Tokens Illustrations 1999 | Tokens Cards 1999 | Unknown Art, Artist, Color, Rarity, Text 1999 | Unknown Cards 1999

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See Standard Version !

Uktabi Kong
Illus.Una Fricker
Source Unprinted Unglued 2: The Obligatory Sequel Un-setSummer 1999
InfoCreature ?. Different Art was used as a Rare Unhinged card.